Friday, August 29, 2008

Amazing-DNC The Sequel

I know, I know this is a movie blog but i'm getting sidetracked okay....there was no movies that would be watched tonight only my recording of the DNC Speech and let me tell you it's late and i can't sleep, who needs coffee when you can listen to this speech, i am so pumped up right now an d it's 1:30am? okay i'm a little crazy...

Aimee put it brilliantly on her blog and i had to mention it too....WOW....i don't care how cheesy and cliche this sounds because i was moved beyond words watching the closing of the convention and Barack Obama's speech tonight. I need to point out some excerpts that have stuck with me from his speech.
"America, we are better than these last eight years. We are a better country than this."
"We are more compassionate than a government that lets veterans sleep on our streets and families slide into poverty; that sits on its hands while a major American city drowns before our eyes."
"And when one of his chief advisors - the man who wrote his economic plan - was talking about the anxiety Americans are feeling, he said that we were just suffering from a "mental recession," and that we've become, and I quote, "a nation of whiners."

"That's the promise of America - the idea that we are responsible for ourselves, but that we also rise or fall as one nation; the fundamental belief that I am my brother's keeper; I am my sister's keeper. "

"But we must also admit that programs alone can't replace parents; that government can't turn off the television and make a child do her homework; that fathers must take more responsibility for providing the love and guidance their children need. "

"and made clear that we must take out Osama bin Laden and his lieutenants if we have them in our sights. John McCain likes to say that he'll follow bin Laden to the Gates of Hell - but he won't even go to the cave where he lives. "

"it is that American spirit - that American promise - that pushes us forward even when the path is uncertain; that binds us together in spite of our differences; that makes us fix our eye not on what is seen, but what is unseen, that better place around the bend. "

" Let us keep that promise - that American promise - and in the words of Scripture hold firmly, without wavering, to the hope that we confess. "

This blog goes out to my boss, Elaine who was in Denver at the convention tonight, "REPRESENT!"

If you would like to read the whole speech, here is the link:

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Pineapple Express Review

This is your brain before watching the movie, "Pineapple Express":

This is your brain after watching the movie, "Pineapple Express":

"Any Questions?"

Okay, okay this isn't a drugfree commercial....but somehow after watching this movie, i felt like i had somehow lost brain cells without getting high?! Actually, i enjoyed losing my braincells while watching this was pretty funny and some parts had me crying they were so funny. But that said, it wasn't my favorite Judd Apatow movie (he is the director) and also directed Knocked Up, Superbad and Forgetting Sarah Marshall (hilarious by the way...).

Plot: Seth Rogan plays a kind-of low life (nothing different than the other movies he has been in) who is a 25 year old dating a high school senior (rude) and loves smoking pot. His drug dealer, played by James Franco, suprisingly pulls it off as being a sensitive, tripped out stoner....(totally Oscar worthy..). They get mixed up in some crime scene as witnesses and go on a little adventure to escape the big drug lords....Okay not the most "unique" plot but the dialogue between Rogan and Franco makes for a majority of the time, entertaining movie.

Review: Rent It ( I enjoyed it but would have rather saved my insanely high priced movie ticket for something better)

Monday, August 18, 2008

Shout Out to Cindy Mancini

So as some of you may know, I am obsessed with the 80s, i was born in 80, i love the music, the movies, the pop culture, the big hair, accessories and i want to give a shout out to my icons when i was little and this blog is a shout out to Cindy Mancini. Who did not want to be Cindy? Can i get a vote? For those of you who do not know who Cindy Mancini is, she was the cool cheerleader and popular chick who patrick dempsey aka McDreamy falls for in the movie "Can't Buy Me Love". Here is the lowdown

This is Cindy Mancini:

This is Cindy's really cool leather outfit:

Flixster - Share Movies

This is Cindy's really cool bedroom, totally "Outrageous":

And what makes Cindy the ultimate cool 80s icon.....her ride, the convertible rabbit:

Seriously on the lookout for my next shoutout, we all loved her, we all wanted to be like her until she got that hating it boycut......a little hint..."To a Brand New life, brand new life around the bend....."

"No Movie for Linear Thinkers"

Okay. So I'm gonna start this blog by talking about a movie that has been supremely loved and hated. This movie has polarized almost as many people as the Presidential Election. I have probably seen 1,000 movies. That said, I am used to the usual construct of a movie. Antagonist. Protagonist. Climax. Heck....what about a good ol' nude scene? No Country For Old Men is as great as it is apalling. Javier Bardem is a bad guy unlike anything I've ever seen before. Dark stare, sharp features framing a menacing gaze, Lego hair. Yup, he has it all. He is a sloth-like Terminator.

For all the buzz, this movie was just a waste of 122 minutes, with a few funny lines and some crazy facial close-ups (the orgasmic look on Bardem's face when he chokes the Deputy). I thought about taking on his coin-flipping decision making. I wish that I had flipped to see either this or Fred Claus on November 9th, 2007 - and Fred Claus came up heads.

Would it be too much to see Josh Brolin killed off? Or for Tommy Lee Jones to take less peyote before reveling in his ridiculous dream? I'll leave this little tidbit for you to look for.

"Look at that fucking bone!" You'll know it when you see it. Dunner out.......